Working groups

There are the areas on which we currently have working groups. If you are interested in getting involved in any of these areas, or others, please contact us.

Supporting people arriving in Ireland

Our members and their law firms give legal advice and resource to organisations that support people who have had to flee from Ukraine to Ireland as a result of the war, to individual displaced people, and to people hosting them in Ireland. We will try to help Ukranian lawyers in Ireland in seeking employment and with other supports. For help in any of these areas, please contact us.

Accountability and international justice

We give information to victims, survivors, and witnesses of war crimes on channels to report details to the Ukrainian and international authorities. We are working on how to give additional support in this, and on how Irish authorities would invoke universal jurisdiction in appropriate cases.

Sanctions and redress

We are examining ways in which those who are complicit in aggression and other war crimes may be more effectively sanctioned or incur other forms of legal liability.

Outreach and communications

We want to work closely with colleagues, civil society, and government, and to communicate our initiatives to maximise their effectiveness.